Doctrine & Covenants 59:9 And that thou mayest more fully keep thyself unspotted from the world, thou shalt go to the house of prayer and offer up thy sacraments upon my holy day; 10 For verily this is a day appointed unto you to rest from your labors, and to pay thy devotions unto the Most High;
A member gave us a jar of peanut butter
Today in my District Meeting, I gave a training about how to help our investigators keep the Sabbath Day Holy and attend church. I learn so many awesome things and strengthen my own testimony as I prepare these trainings! As we attend church and partake of the sacred ordinance of the Sacrament, we are humbly showing that we love God and are willing to be obedient to take upon us the name of Christ. We will be worthy to have the guidance of the Holy Ghost which will guide us and protect us from the temptations of this world. Sunday should be a different day than all the rest because it's the Lord's day, that we should direct our thoughts and actions toward Him. I know that as we do it we will "keep ourselves unspotted from the world" and will be blessed the rest of the week in all things! Is the Sabbath Day a delight for you?
Hey everyone!
Another crazy week! We had our zone conference in Cabo San Lucas this last Friday and it was great! It is always special to be able to receive instruction from our inspired leaders. I can detect the love and concern Presidente Gabaldón has for all the missionaries in this mission. Something that I really enjoyed of this conference was when Pte Gabaldón talked about the Light of Christ and the Gift of the Holy Ghost. He explained that before our investigators are baptized, each one of them can feel the influence of the Holy Ghost through the Light of Christ, which helps each one of us discern between the good and the bad. But until someone is baptized in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and confirmed is when they can receive the constant light and guidance and comfort of the Holy Ghost. I loved how he said that we can have the company of a God with us at all times if we are worthy, how wonderful is that! At the end of the conference, Presidente and Elder Daines (the assistant) went to La Paz for the next conference and they brought us to Pescadero.
Zone leaders & Elder Daines
This week was a little tough with our investigators. We were on our way back to house on Wednesday night on our bikes and some people hiding in the dark threw rocks at us but luckily none of them hit us which was good. Jesus our investigator that we are going to baptize this week has a few doubts and doesn't feel prepared for this Saturday and so we are trying to help him as much as we can so he can receive the covenants of baptism and follow the example of Christ. Maximino and Concepcion are very unstable and only want to take advantage of the help the Church gives but aren't willing to follow God and have faith so we have to leave them for a while.
A pet ostrich
We had a cool experience this week! We had 8 investigator attend church which is the most that we have been able to help attend church! We were especially happy when we saw a young couple, Julio and Gabi attend church with their 2 year old daughter. Gabi is going to have a baby in these next few days. In church in the class of the Relief Society, they talked about service and being self-sufficient. They quickly were fellowshipped by Pte Henry and his wife. Later that day Gabi called Hna Yolanda that they were in need to go to the hospital in La Paz and Presidente Henry and his wife gave them a ride to La Paz and have that good experience to attend church and they were blessed for their service.
On the way to Todos Santos
I love this church! I know it's true! It has brought so much joy and happiness to my life and to my family!
Elder Bennett
Cooking: fried fish and french fries
We made chicharrones for lunch one day
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