I love this scripture! This talks about the Savior's Atonement. He suffered and died for us, and rose on the 3rd day. He gave us the opportunity to repent and become new again. He has made it possible the Resurrection of all men. He made it possible that we can receive grace and mercy from our loving Heavenly Father. I am so thankful for my Savior, Jesus the Christ!
Hola a todos! This last week our mission president gave us a 6 week challenge to study the scriptures especifically about Jesus Christ. Pte Nelson recently completed this challenge and learned more about the Savior and strengthened his testimony about His Gospel and His life as well as the prophet Joseph Smith. In the back of the scriptures in the Scripture Guide where we are looking up, studying and marking every scripture that we find about the Savior. I love this challenge and I love everyday that I can come to know the Son of God more and become more like him. Our companionship studies have been more interesting now with the challenge.
I made my 10th and final trip to finish my visa and become legal here in Sinaloa again. I went to Culiacan to receive my green card that allows me to live legally here in Mexico for one year. I was so grateful that I am finished dealing with all of the immigration things so I can focus on the work my last few months of the mission. When we went to the offices of the mission. President and Sister Gabaldon were there and we all participated in arm wrestling contests which was pretty fun! I have lost a lot of strength haha....
This week was a little rough. We have had a a few situations with our investigators and members that have been trying us. However, we are preparing Genaro, our investigator of 15 years old for his baptism for the 25th of this month. He is such good young man! The Albatros ward needs more youth, there are very little. We taught him the Restoration this week. Our other investigators haven't had time to listen or are not progressing.
We had a Family Home Evening on Thursday and we participated in the choir for the Ward Conference which was fun! I miss singing in choir!
I am grateful for this Gospel and I know that it blesses my life!
Thanks for everything! Have a great week!
Elder Bennett
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